This rulers are perfect for quick and easy deployment. A cool feature is the quick reference areas 1'', 2'' and 3'' and the full 9'' length.
The 6 Inch combined and separated ruler are marked with the new KTII Octarius system of measurement gauges, 6" (Pentagon), 3" (Square), 2" (Circle) and 1" (Triangle).
You can customize with your faction logo or a generic KT logo, please contact me for a custom order. contact me in advance.
The 6 Inch combined and separated ruler are marked with the new KTII Octarius system of measurement gauges, 6" (Pentagon), 3" (Square), 2" (Circle) and 1" (Triangle).
You can customize with your faction logo or a generic KT logo, please contact me for a custom order. contact me in advance.
Please select your color and leave a Note on the Order.
The colors are on the last picture. If no choice is made a random Acrylic color will be sent.
All parts are protected with a plastic film to protect the acrylic from scratches in transit and laser burns.
Happy Kill Team skirmishes!